Trekking 10th day Gora Tabela- Shyapri Besi

10th and last day Gora Tabela- Shyapri Besi

This was a very bad day that already started bad. In the breakfast they will not let us to recharge the mobile and we found excessive prices for some items in the menu, like a difference of one euro for jam in your toast.. We left that guest house and went to the one down which was a lot more reasonable and did not have any big whole in the shower either.

I was already in bad mood for all that. We started the trekking. In the middle we stopped near Lama hotel and meet a French guy who was doing trekking with his son (who was farther ahead, similar to Johan I though hihi). He told us there was an alternative way to go to Shyapri Besi, a new way with nice views but a bit longer. I did not want to walk longer and I was a bit scared that we will lose our way or something will happened and we will not get on time to Shyapri Besi. Johan thought it would be nice to do the alternative way instead of doing the same again (actually make sense but at that time I just did not want to walk longer and have more chances to get lost). That day also I noticed our pace difference was higher than usual.

So we started with a disagreement. At the end we did what I suggested so I felt a bit guilty. I suggested him why he would not do that way and I will continue by the known way in my own pace where I felt more comfortable.

We arrived to Bamboo in quite nice mood despite all and had our lunch and our two hours break since we were good on time.

Then we continued and give our difference at walking, Johan would frequently disappear and I would not see him in a long time. There were some times where I had to ask locals about the way and even ended up taking out my own map from the back pack. Then I saw him, waiting for me once again at the bridge. I was annoyed and my face I think reflected it very well so he asked me what was wrong. I told him that if we were goin to be like that I did not understand why he did not take the long way he wanted to do. He said he will stay all time behind me, I said I did not want that,  he said he did not understand my change in opinion etc etc then we start discussing more, figthing, shouting..he left. I had never seen him so agitated.. and never had shouted at me before..I felt very bad.

Then I continue my way alone because he completely dissapeared as I asked him to do. He left following my suggestion of going on his own pace and that we will meet there (or that is what I thought). Honestly I was expecting to find him at some point of the way waiting but it was not like that and it was sad..I felt terribly, maybe him as well?

I arrived there and could not see him either. I booked my own hotel and decided to walk outside to see if I could spot him. Then there I saw his thin figure, also walking..maybe also looking for me? I don’t know

We looked at each other in a bit “sorry” way..I think or I want to think. Start talking nicely. We had a beer at his hotel (we were therefore in separate houses) and make peaces even though we did not talk too much about it. I think that was our stronger fight of all.

Finally we had last beer (after a long time not having beer since last one was in Katmandhu, prices of beer were extremely ridiculous in the mountain but in this village, once we came to the road again, were fine)

We slept however, each on each hostel, which was difficult to explain to a group of Spanish we met and another couple from USA (so you are friends but sleep in different houses?) We blamed Bamboo..the place that always get us fighting hard

Next day we will get the bus back to Kathmandu. Our little adventure was over. I was a bit sad that was over now when I started to enjoy the fact of having to reach a place each day. Even the fatigue was kind of “good feeling” to me, I loved to reach the place and have a hot dinner and drink after a long walk on the mountain. Also I loved not knowing what landscape or people we will meet on the next lodge. I can even say, that given my change of moods and change of pace in Johan.s walk, we did not even know how we will be with each other the next day, all an adventure!

 I also loved having someone who by now knows me very well around and with I can talk with. After two months travelling and despite meeting a lot of new people is great to have one of the “old friends” around.  I get a bit sad if I think that Johan and I will not see each other with same frequently now that I have decided to come back to my country, not like in India and definitely not like in Nepal. I had enjoyed the time with such a person and I hope we will encounter again, in near future.  Johan hope you enjoyed this post if you managed to read it all. You are free to make any comments, this is only my side of the same event!


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