Lantang trekk 6th day- Laurebina Yak- Bamboo

Lantang trekk 6th day- Laurebina Yak- Bamboo

1700 mtrs descending. 8 hours.

We start descending everything we previously climb. We started early and going down down through
mountain, getting into a bit of forest again and nice prairies.

This is one image we saw on the way...according to the budism culture it is the union of wisdom and
compassion..nothing else that might cross your mind eh?

After five hours descending we had a big lunch at Thulo syabra one quite “big” village, the biggest we have
seen since Chisopani probably since almost all villages. So far they were just three of four guest houses in the
middle of nowhere..this was a "proper" village, more than just a bunch of guest houses, with and school

All went fine so far between Johan and me until lunch, we had small tension with our difference of paces
while walkin g which continued. I had softly suggested on the days before that maybe a trek with someone
with similar pace would be easier and how nice is to talk and walk at the same time when you can still
control your breath. I was also a bit slower while going down, as I said to be afraid to twist my uncle or
something in such steep ramps going down.

He usually will go fast fast and wait for me at some point and then again start with his pace.. I used to think
whether we had a premium to be the "first of the group" and I did not know :)

Lets be fair..I guess for Johan going with someone like me, who frequently complains and change mood in a
matter of seconds was not easy either. Generally in the mornings I had bad mood until breakfast. I could stay
a couple of hours with good mood until I get tired and hungry from the walk and then start complaining again.

Johan used to tell me that he had to make sure I will receive my food on time so that we do not have
problems. Then I will complain again asking him to please do not treat me like a paranoid crazy since I was

On that lunch especifically Johan asked me which mood I had then. I told him I was happy and ask him for
yours. Then, he will happily say that his mood was a variable directly depending on my mood and draw me a
kind of graph like this

In my notebook where I was writing the notes of the trip..I could not help but laughing since I really
have a variable mood and admit he was usually in a good one, trying to bear my changes as good as
he could with his best smile (thanks Johan this is a public acceptance about it). 

He will also bear all my personal questions and critics to his personality the best he could (I am good
at telling where you have to change) and used to respond saying that “everyone is different and we
should accept people how they are” blab la bla

Well I think I summarized the most important discussions we had then, but he can add any comment
to this blog if he doesn’t agree, in any case, the one thing I can blame him of, is about going damn
fast in the trek where all our main fights were originated.

That day he was especially fast going down and made the terrible mistake of, once he waited
for me coming two hours behind and with my breath taken by the pace, as fast as I could, asked me
"whether I would like to join the Belgiums that were a little bit ahead of us" that he just sawed.. 

My adrenaline went to my brain fast and my face started changing colors.. I start asking him whether
we should split our maps and he will go first and I will follow to my own slow pace later, whether I
was such a load in the trek that he wanted to leave me behind with the belgiums, whether i should
continue with the Beligums and so on (better do not get into detail..:)

Storm started and we arrived in Bamboo in such a bad mood after 8 hours walking, both exhausted.

I by them thought the best solution was, that I will get one guide, since he did not want to leave alone
in the forest and we will meet in the villages where we were supposed to rest. Until that point we
were..very sad. I even asked the guy at bamboo who told me was a guide, which one was his fare.

Fortunately, after a couple of hours we were relaxing having dinner in bamboo (momos and pizza as
usual) we end up talking lively..however tension that day got to a high point!

Belgiums by the way stopped a bit earlier than bamboo so Johan could not leave me with the
belgiums (Johan would kill me while reading this:)

This is one of the hanging bridges we had to pass..I had a bit of a difficult time there. I did not know
I had a bit of "afraid to highness" until I passed.

And this is bamboo and our lodge there


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