Lantang Trekk. Second day. Chisapani Kutumsang

Lantang Trekk. Second day. Chisapani Kutumsang
18 km. 300 mt climb. It took us about 7 hours walking.

We started early and met Malti and Ana on the way who were about to take a short cut to the same route. We were of course, following the long way and were lucky to met them right there. So we decided to take the short cut with them. It was a very steep way down through the mountain for several km (maybe 7). 

After that there was an steady way and again we went up through the mountain. A way with many stone steps..I still remember the pain of climbing the steps, looong stair of stone steps. I also remember of this day again the number of terraces that followed us from Chisapani. They looked beautiful while following the road to the mountain.

On the way we also met the group of Belgiums that were also following our group. They were with two nepalies that met on the way and who we did not know if they belonged to the group or not (later we will find out that not) and also two porters and one guide, so were in general a big group compared to the two of us or Anna and Malti.

After many ups and downs, ups and downs, and with this I mean to say that, in total, we climbed 300 mts, but with all ups and downs we probably did around 1000 mts because whatever we came down we have to climb up again.  Many stone stairs on the way, hard to climb. I think we passed one mountain and finally arrived to Kutumsang.

We took 8 hours in total to get there, but stopping for lunch nicely in a village on the way


We checked a couple of houses there. After Chisopani, first day, we learnt we have also to check the menu cause prices are different and receive different offers from houses. Menus by the way had all the same meat and lots of pasta, basically they consisted in momos, chowmain, pizza and nodles,there and in the next ten days of trekking

I checked were all the Belgiums were but after the whole group got to the house, I thought that only one toilet and shower for ten people would be a bit too much. So we get the house in front of them, were Johan was already talking with the lady while I was doing my "quality check"-

The lady owner was quite nice. We sit in her kitchen, she told us it was a Sherpa kitchen and we watched her while she made the food. It was delicious food, all made in front of our eyes. She also had a son who joined us for dinner

She explained the both sons go every morning to school. They go one hour and a half away to a village nearby. They have to climb and do many ups and downs every day during three hours a day. No wonder why they are so good at it and later become sherpa guides..

She would not stop saying to everything “no problem” with a very optimistic was a sentence that we wil repeat often through all the trek to remind her..whenever something would go wrong, it is enough to say “no problem”!

Johan discovered in this place the Roxy, a local drink, very cheap and a bit strong made there and available everywhere. He would have some to help in the sleeping.

We went early to bed because tomorrow we had a hard day with some high climbing :(


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