Lantang Trekk. 8th day Lantang-Kyajing Gumpa

8th day Lantang-Kyajing Gumpa

8 km 400mt climbing 2hours

This was a short way of 2 hours that was what I need since the pain in my legs was higher.  I did it very slow and was nice cause was a beautiful beautiful way..the best for me of the whole trekk.

The way between this two villages is, and I might not a way to heaven, if there is any paradise it is something like that (and this is literally what I thought while walking here)

Kyajing Gumpa is a wonderful village, again between mountains, much higher mountains than Lantang with snowy peaks, cows pasting around, horses running..again like the end of the paradise.

I was happy to arrive early and after doing our regular check of houses and stayed in “lovely lodge” we took the rest of the day, only one in the whole trek, to rest, walk around, have coffee etc

I particularly needed a day off after such a hard work, and again not exaggerating “hard work”

We found a bakery with lovely apple pie and delicious coffee..was so good to have a very good coffee after so much filter or powder coffee. He gave us double apple pie for price of one after making good friends with Johan that praised his coffee and apple pie so much. He ended up telling us that he built that coffee for it was his father whish after he died. In general it was very difficult to find bakeries or coffees on the villages..generally there are lots of lodges and you have all your meals there but no coffees or bakeries around (maybe because of the general policy of “you have to have dinner, breakfast and everything in the place where you sleep”). This man was however, successful and the place was full. The coffee deserved it (it was very expensive though I must say, like a coffee in tower Eiffel tower but ok..were unreachable mountains..)

He had a son and a wife. Wife was always with the son in her back tied up by a scarf. The two days I always saw her like that

We also met some Israelis there and a couple of Netherlands. They were paying in all hotels hehe and got shock when they found out we weren’t..well maybe we shouldn't have said as all hotels asked us but just jumped out of my mouth..

Israelis, two girls, were travelling for long time too. They explained us briefly how Israelis in general travel for six or sometimes even one year, after their military service which is commendatory for all of them, two years for girls and three for boys. It was a kind of mental release after the experience. That would explain why we met so many on the way and also myself in north India (even more than in Nepal)

We also, after that, visited the local cheese factory in that village, where they make Yak cheese which is delicious (we knew cause the French girl gave us some the previous night). We bought 250 grms each.

Then we had a walk through the wonderful village..seeing the horses..jack..did I mention that I felt in paradise??


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