Lantang Trekking.7th day Bamboo-Lantang

7th day  Bamboo-Lantang

1400 mt climbing and 17 km walking..around 9 hours..

Next morning we were in a very happy mood and maybe for the fight next day we match each other pace on the walk of that day as never before. I was faster and he was slower and have to say we manage to cover a great distance with a great elevation too (and I did not complain in the whole day keeping always my smile)

We said our “middle trek crisis” was over :)

We passed by Lama hotel, a famous village there and only stopper for a coffe..that was supposed to be one of our stops in our initial plan

We stopped at Godatabela for lunch. A nice place between the mountains with only two lodges. We stopped at the second that gave us a higher discount on the menu food (and asked us not to tell to her neighbourd) but later I will find out that menu in this place was also more expensive.

In any case, food was good, and we have a deserved break of almost two hours before continuing. Our goal was Thyangsyapu (I am not sure) but we reached there short after lunch and we felt strong to go up to Lantang instead of stopping there.

We arrived in Lantang after being chased by the women of the lodges on the way that will always happily and sincerely greet us and ask, immediately after “room” “cheap room here” or from shops “paper” “tobacco” “water”. Johan had the patience to respond and say “no thanks”, “no”..I ignored them most of  the time since in all this trip, the commercial greeting of people gets a bit on my nerves and make me feel like a walking ATM

Lantang is a relatively, and compared to others “big” village where you can even find internet if you want in only one lodge that was the one we stopped for sleeping. Again I chequed three while Johan waited (he said I do this better and may be right) and decided to stay in Thasi Delek lodge which in nepalese means “thanks” I think

There we met a French women travelling alone. So far she was fine but was thinking of getting a porter on the end part of the way, since travelling alone on the jungle may be a bit dangerous, for anyone but more for a woman (as usual)

When we arrived, I noticed I was really exhausted and my legs were paining. I was almost unable to walk. That day was maybe a bit too much for me


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